This web-based assessment tool is an initial evaluation for your own reference. The results do not indicate a diagnosis whatsoever. It should not be used to replace check-up with certified health professionals.
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is underdiagnosed. The majority of patients remains unidentified.1,2
Clinical diagnosis of FH may be difficult because the clinical phenotype overlaps with other elevated LDL-C diseases.3
Genetic (DNA) diagnosis is usually the confirmatory test, but there is a challenge to decide which individuals warrant DNA testing.3
The Dutch Lipid Clinical Network (DLCN) is a scoring criteria for diagnosing FH.
It has been recommended by the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) to identify people with FH.1
Family history of
premature CVD in their
family members
Their own CVD history
Untreated lipid levels
Physical signs